Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scott Walker lives in the lap of luxury paid for by tax payers.

Does a person making $137,092 off the tax payers really need to have tax payers also pay for an imperial palace?

The Mansion is:

  • Is a three-story, 21,000-square-foot (including basement) Georgian Revivalin Maple Bluff, a village northeast of Madison.
  • Was built in 1921 for Madison industrialist Carl A. Johnson and became home to governors after being purchased by the state in 1949.
  • Has 13 bathrooms, seven bedrooms, seven fireplaces and seven garden areas.
It has a staff of seven employees, a chef, a gardener and a "facilities maintenance specialist." The part-timers are a housekeeper, a "laundress and flower arranger," and the head of the waitstaff, who has worked at the mansion for more than 32 years.

The fiscal bureau told PolitiFact Wisconsin that the mansion’s operating expenses are budgeted at $262,500 in 2009-’10 and the same amount for 2010-’11, nearly all of which is salaries. That’s a total of $1.05 million over four years.


  1. Where did you get the information? A whole lot of union members are very curious now. Thank you!!

