Monday, February 28, 2011

Ending our Military Waste

How much should the United States be spending on the military?  Would enough be to make sure we are stronger than the next four powers combined?  Well we could do that and still cut $400 billion dollars a year from the budget.

Let's take a look at what the next four top powers spend on the military;
2 People's Republic of China China $98,800,000,000
3 United Kingdom United Kingdom $69,271,000,000
4 France France $67,316,000,000
5 Russia Russian Federation $61,000,000,000

The combined spending for these four top powers is $207,467,000,000.
The United States is spending $663,255,000,000.
We could cut $400,000,000,000 and still be spending more for our defense at $263,255,000,000 than the next four military powers.
Think how much money would be available to state and local governments during this federal, state, and local government budgetary crisis.
We need to start thinking differently about how we spend and defend ourselves and end Military Keynesianism.

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