Sunday, February 20, 2011

By Popular Demand.........

Some guy named "cynical" at Boots and Sabers said,
If you want to have a debate about whether or not we should have public schools, by all means, start your own blog and invite us over to debate it.
So, here is what I posted that cynical was chicken shit to respond to.

Amend the state constitution and eliminate forced tax payer funded education. Move to privatized education.  This will eliminate our deficit and reduce taxes substantially.  Think of the opportunity for increasing employment in the private sector.
Taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to fund educating other peoples kids.
And while we’re at it, sell all the publicly funded city and state parks, and allow the private sector to run them. The free market will dictate if the public really wants to use them.

And while we’re at it, sell the Governor’s Mansion.  We can’t afford a mansion. Scott Walker’s family can live in their home in Wauwautosa and he can commute.  Or he can buy a home of his own closer to Madison.  Us suffering tax payers can no longer afford mansions for our elected officials. 
And so, let the debate begin.


  1. Sounds good lets have the governor and the legislature cut their own pay and benefits. Go to a part time legislature. Put into place term limits so that they can't grow too fat and happy. Let us have the market rule on all of the things that goverment provides. Contract your own snowplowing and garbage removal. the list is very long and when the market begins to figure out that money can be made it will fill in the spots left open by government.

    I am not being sarcastic. i also realize that I will be paying a lot more in contract costs than i pay in taxes.

  2. I'm with you on that Mike. Cutting their own pay and benefits would really set an example for the rest of those who live off us hard working taxpayers. Term limits should be one of the first things that Walker should put on his agenda. I'm all for contracting my own snowplowing and garbage removal. I'm all for paying for my own child's education and let others pay for their own children.

  3. Thanks Pat, glad I mean that much to you! Honored, really.

    I thought you were just being a troll, but maybe you're actually serious about this.

    Mike makes excellent points! Let's hope the braintrust in Madison actually walks the walk.

    And I'm not too chicken-shit to answer you, Pat.

    Personally, I can't make a case for the total elimination of public education. I believe the government serves legitimate purposes, and educating our young people (at least in theory) produces productive members of society which ultimately serves the public good.

    However, there's nothing wrong with it being cost-effective. Generations of union rule, in coordination with lazy public officials have created a bloated bureaucracy that needs to be reined-in.

    I'm ambivalent about elimination of the governor's mansion. On one side, having a secure location does help with security. On the other, it does cost money to keep it.

  4. I can't understand why we need a socialistic education program that forces tax payers to pay for other peoples kids. I can afford to educate my our child. Maybe we give vouchers to those who can't afford an education for their children based on income. But to have everyone having to be taxed for public schools is bull. Privatize the school system, it'll be cheaper in the long run.
