Sunday, March 20, 2011

Walker said West Bend should have a surplus of $572,814

And now we'll have a deficit

Health Insurance Savings (assumption: equals 4.2% of WRS payroll) = 1,638,599
Pension contribution Savings (assumption: equals5.8% of WRS payroll) = 2,262,827
Total Fringe Benefit Savings = 3,901,426
FY10 General Aid = 30,632,477
FY11 General Aid (under Governor’s recommended budget) = 27,478,870
General Aid Reduction: Estimated FY11 vs. FY10 = -3,153,607
Benefit Savings less Rev Limit Cut = 572,814

Appears what Walker said wasn't accurate. An intentional inaccurate statement is a lie.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

West Bend would shoulder one of the biggest state cuts

The largest cut in state shared revenue payments to municipalities in Ozaukee and Washington counties, and the 16th largest statewide, under Gov. Scott Walker's proposed 2011-13 budget will be borne by West Bend.
The city will receive $535,421 less in shared revenue payments in 2012 than it did this year, under the proposed state budget. Shared revenue payments generally are used to help communities reduce property tax levies.
Savings that will come from city employees contributing more to pensions amount to $498,000 in 2012, or $37,421 less than the shared revenue cut, according to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau.
WTF, I thought under the Walker plan we were going to be money ahead.  And here I was planning on having my taxes going down.  It sounds like Scooter is bullshitting us taxpayers.

To makeup for the $37,421 we're going to be short I think our local officials should take pay cuts.  Once they balance our budget and then reduce our tax burden they can think about raising their pay.

From Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wisconsin Poll: Support for Budget Cutting, Not for Weakening Collective Bargaining Rights

Hmmm. Telling.

From Rasmussen Reports

Most Wisconsin voters oppose efforts to weaken collective bargaining rights for union workers but a plurality are supportive of significant pay cuts for state workers. Governor Scott Walker is struggling in the court of public opinion, but how badly he is struggling depends upon how the issue is presented.  There is also an interesting gap between the views of private and public sector union families.

Among those asked about weakening collective bargaining rights, 56% supported the union and 41% supported the Governor. There is a similar age dynamic on this question, even though the overall level of support for the Governor is lower.
While most voters oppose the Governor’s effort to weaken collective bargaining rights, 43% believe that the public employee unions have too much influence on politics in Wisconsin while only 9% say they have too little influence. Forty-two percent (42%) say the public union influence is about right.
Additionally, 49% believe it’s good that most teachers belong to a union. Among those with children in the public school system, 58% believe that’s a good thing.
Among households with a private sector union member, 44% say that public employee unions have too much influence while only 9% say they have too little influence. Those who have a public sector union employee in the household strongly believe that the level of influence is about right. Additionally, most private sector union households (57%) favor a pay cut for all state workers. Not surprisingly, households with public sector union members hold the opposite view.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wasteful spending in Walker's budget

  • Provide $1 million for raises for prosecutors.
  • Set aside $1.04 million to investigate Internet crimes against children.
  • Provide $993,800 for more public defenders.
  • Provide $196 million in funding for the new Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.
  • Allocate $225 million to reconstruction of the Zoo Interchange. Money will cover engineering expenses, preparing for 2013 start of construction.
  • Put $59.1 million into expansion of I-39/90 in Rock and Dane counties and authorize three other highway projects in Racine, Milwaukee, Winnebago, Calumet and Outagamie counties.
  • Provide $5 million to clean up contaminated sediments in the Great Lakes and their tributaries.
We just don't have the money for all this.  Doesn't Walker know that we have a deficit?  Hard decisions must be made.